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Star grips similar to DIN 6336, inch
06220 inch

Star grips similar to DIN 6336, inch

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DescriptionMaterial:Black thermoplastic.
Bush and screw steel.
Version:Bush and screw trivalent blue passivated.Note:For the inch series, dimension D is in inches, all other dimensions are in mm.On request:Other colours or designs, such as company logo.Drawing reference:
Form D: tapped bush without cap
Form G: drilled hole, no bush, with cap
Form H: with reamed bush
Form K: tapped bush with cap
Form L: external thread
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 Datasheet 06220 inch Star grips similar to DIN 6336, inch 247 kB

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Star grips similar to DIN 6336, inch

Star grips similar to DIN 6336, internal thread without cap, Form D, inch

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Star grips similar to DIN 6336, internal thread without cap, Form D, inch

Item selection/filter

Order No.

06220-5AED8-32251216810 0.78 €
06220-5A1D10-32251216810 0.78 €
06220-5A21D1/4-20251216810 0.78 €
06220-5A11D10-323214201010 0.82 €
06220-5A2D1/4-203214201010 0.82 €
06220-5A3D5/16-184018251314 0.94 €
06220-5A41D3/8-164018251314 0.94 €
06220-5A31D5/16-185022321714 1.47 €
06220-5A4D3/8-165022321714 1.47 €
06220-5A51D1/2-135022321718 1.47 €
06220-5A42D3/8-166326402114 2.61 €
06220-5A5D1/2-136326402118 2.61 €
06220-5A6D5/8-116326402118 3.76 €

Star grips similar to DIN 6336, without bush, with reamed hole, Form G, inch

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Star grips similar to DIN 6336, without bush, with reamed hole, Form G, inch

Item selection/filter

Order No.FormColour
06220-3CLGjet black0,188251216810 0.37 €
06220-3CL5Glight grey RAL 70350,188251216810 0.37 €
06220-3CL6Gtraffic red RAL 30200,188251216810 0.37 €
06220-3CL7Gcolza yellow RAL 10210,188251216810 0.37 €
06220-3CMGjet black0,253214201010 0.45 €
06220-3CM5Glight grey RAL 70350,253214201010 0.45 €
06220-3CM6Gtraffic red RAL 30200,253214201010 0.45 €
06220-3CM7Gcolza yellow RAL 10210,253214201010 0.45 €
06220-3CNGjet black0,3124018251314 0.63 €
06220-3CN5Glight grey RAL 70350,3124018251314 0.63 €
06220-3CN6Gtraffic red RAL 30200,3124018251314 0.63 €
06220-3CN7Gcolza yellow RAL 10210,3124018251314 0.63 €
06220-3COGjet black0,3755022321714 0.84 €
06220-3CO5Glight grey RAL 70350,3755022321714 0.84 €
06220-3CO6Gtraffic red RAL 30200,3755022321714 0.84 €
06220-3CO7Gcolza yellow RAL 10210,3755022321714 0.84 €
06220-3CPGjet black0,56326402118 1.28 €
06220-3CP5Glight grey RAL 70350,56326402118 1.28 €
06220-3CP6Gtraffic red RAL 30200,56326402118 1.28 €
06220-3CP7Gcolza yellow RAL 10210,56326402118 1.28 €

Star grips similar to DIN 6336, with reamed bush, Form H, inch

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Star grips similar to DIN 6336, with reamed bush, Form H, inch

Item selection/filter

Order No.FormColour
06220-1CLHjet black0,188251216810 0.84 €
06220-1CL5Hlight grey RAL 70350,188251216810 0.84 €
06220-1CL6Htraffic red RAL 30200,188251216810 0.84 €
06220-1CL7Hcolza yellow RAL 10210,188251216810 0.84 €
06220-1CMHjet black0,253214201010 0.90 €
06220-1CM5Hlight grey RAL 70350,253214201010 0.90 €
06220-1CM6Htraffic red RAL 30200,253214201010 0.90 €
06220-1CM7Hcolza yellow RAL 10210,253214201010 0.90 €
06220-1CNHjet black0,3124018251314 1.02 €
06220-1CN5Hlight grey RAL 70350,3124018251314 1.02 €
06220-1CN6Htraffic red RAL 30200,3124018251314 1.02 €
06220-1CN7Hcolza yellow RAL 10210,3124018251314 1.02 €
06220-1COHjet black0,3755022321714 1.60 €
06220-1CO5Hlight grey RAL 70350,3755022321714 1.60 €
06220-1CO6Htraffic red RAL 30200,3755022321714 1.60 €
06220-1CO7Hcolza yellow RAL 10210,3755022321714 1.60 €
06220-1CO1Hjet black0,3756326402114 2.81 €
06220-1CO15Hlight grey RAL 70350,3756326402114 2.81 €
06220-1CO16Htraffic red RAL 30200,3756326402114 2.81 €
06220-1CO17Hcolza yellow RAL 10210,3756326402114 2.81 €
06220-1CPHjet black0,56326402118 2.81 €
06220-1CP5Hlight grey RAL 70350,56326402118 2.81 €
06220-1CP6Htraffic red RAL 30200,56326402118 2.81 €
06220-1CP7Hcolza yellow RAL 10210,56326402118 2.81 €

Star grips similar to DIN 6336, internal thread with cap, Form K, inch

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Star grips similar to DIN 6336, internal thread with cap, Form K, inch

Item selection/filter

Order No.FormColour
06220-2AEKjet black8-32251216810 0.84 €
06220-2AE5Klight grey RAL 70358-32251216810 0.84 €
06220-2AE6Ktraffic red RAL 30208-32251216810 0.84 €
06220-2AE7Kcolza yellow RAL 10218-32251216810 0.84 €
06220-2A1Kjet black10-32251216810 0.84 €
06220-2A15Klight grey RAL 703510-32251216810 0.84 €
06220-2A16Ktraffic red RAL 302010-32251216810 0.84 €
06220-2A17Kcolza yellow RAL 102110-32251216810 0.84 €
06220-2A21Kjet black1/4-20251216810 0.84 €
06220-2A215Klight grey RAL 70351/4-20251216810 0.84 €
06220-2A216Ktraffic red RAL 30201/4-20251216810 0.84 €
06220-2A217Kcolza yellow RAL 10211/4-20251216810 0.84 €
06220-2A11Kjet black10-323214201010 0.90 €
06220-2A115Klight grey RAL 703510-323214201010 0.90 €
06220-2A116Ktraffic red RAL 302010-323214201010 0.90 €
06220-2A117Kcolza yellow RAL 102110-323214201010 0.90 €
06220-2A2Kjet black1/4-203214201010 0.90 €
06220-2A25Klight grey RAL 70351/4-203214201010 0.90 €
06220-2A26Ktraffic red RAL 30201/4-203214201010 0.90 €
06220-2A27Kcolza yellow RAL 10211/4-203214201010 0.90 €
06220-2A3Kjet black5/16-184018251314 1.02 €
06220-2A35Klight grey RAL 70355/16-184018251314 1.02 €
06220-2A36Ktraffic red RAL 30205/16-184018251314 1.02 €
06220-2A37Kcolza yellow RAL 10215/16-184018251314 1.02 €
06220-2A41Kjet black3/8-164018251314 1.02 €
06220-2A415Klight grey RAL 70353/8-164018251314 1.02 €
06220-2A416Ktraffic red RAL 30203/8-164018251314 1.02 €
06220-2A417Kcolza yellow RAL 10213/8-164018251314 1.02 €
06220-2A31Kjet black5/16-185022321714 1.60 €
06220-2A315Klight grey RAL 70355/16-185022321714 1.60 €
06220-2A316Ktraffic red RAL 30205/16-185022321714 1.60 €
06220-2A317Kcolza yellow RAL 10215/16-185022321714 1.60 €
06220-2A4Kjet black3/8-165022321714 1.60 €
06220-2A45Klight grey RAL 70353/8-165022321714 1.60 €
06220-2A46Ktraffic red RAL 30203/8-165022321714 1.60 €
06220-2A47Kcolza yellow RAL 10213/8-165022321714 1.60 €
06220-2A51Kjet black1/2-135022321718 1.60 €
06220-2A515Klight grey RAL 70351/2-135022321718 1.60 €
06220-2A516Ktraffic red RAL 30201/2-135022321718 1.60 €
06220-2A517Kcolza yellow RAL 10211/2-135022321718 1.60 €
06220-2A42Kjet black3/8-166326402114 2.81 €
06220-2A425Klight grey RAL 70353/8-166326402114 2.81 €
06220-2A426Ktraffic red RAL 30203/8-166326402114 2.81 €
06220-2A427Kcolza yellow RAL 10213/8-166326402114 2.81 €
06220-2A5Kjet black1/2-136326402118 2.81 €
06220-2A55Klight grey RAL 70351/2-136326402118 2.81 €
06220-2A56Ktraffic red RAL 30201/2-136326402118 2.81 €
06220-2A57Kcolza yellow RAL 10211/2-136326402118 2.81 €
06220-2A6Kjet black5/8-116326402118 4.07 €
06220-2A65Klight grey RAL 70355/8-116326402118 4.07 €
06220-2A66Ktraffic red RAL 30205/8-116326402118 4.07 €
06220-2A67Kcolza yellow RAL 10215/8-116326402118 4.07 €

Star grips similar to DIN 6336 with external thread, Form L, inch

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Star grips similar to DIN 6336 with external thread, Form L, inch

Item selection/filter

Order No.FormColour
06220-4A517X60Lcolza yellow RAL 10211/2-136326402160 3.83 €
06220-4A51X60Ljet black1/2-136326402160 3.83 €
06220-4A516X60Ltraffic red RAL 30201/2-136326402160 3.83 €
06220-4A515X60Llight grey RAL 70351/2-136326402160 3.83 €
06220-4A1X10Ljet black10-32251216810 0.69 €
06220-4A15X10Llight grey RAL 703510-32251216810 0.69 €
06220-4A16X10Ltraffic red RAL 302010-32251216810 0.69 €
06220-4A17X10Lcolza yellow RAL 102110-32251216810 0.69 €
06220-4A1X20Ljet black10-32251216820 0.69 €
06220-4A15X20Llight grey RAL 703510-32251216820 0.69 €
06220-4A16X20Ltraffic red RAL 302010-32251216820 0.69 €
06220-4A17X20Lcolza yellow RAL 102110-32251216820 0.69 €
06220-4A2X20Ljet black1/4-20251216820 0.69 €
06220-4A25X20Llight grey RAL 70351/4-20251216820 0.69 €
06220-4A26X20Ltraffic red RAL 30201/4-20251216820 0.69 €
06220-4A27X20Lcolza yellow RAL 10211/4-20251216820 0.69 €
06220-4A2X30Ljet black1/4-20251216830 0.71 €
06220-4A25X30Llight grey RAL 70351/4-20251216830 0.71 €
06220-4A26X30Ltraffic red RAL 30201/4-20251216830 0.71 €
06220-4A27X30Lcolza yellow RAL 10211/4-20251216830 0.71 €
06220-4A21X20Ljet black1/4-203214201020 0.84 €
06220-4A215X20Llight grey RAL 70351/4-203214201020 0.84 €
06220-4A216X20Ltraffic red RAL 30201/4-203214201020 0.84 €
06220-4A217X20Lcolza yellow RAL 10211/4-203214201020 0.84 €
06220-4A21X30Ljet black1/4-203214201030 0.89 €
06220-4A215X30Llight grey RAL 70351/4-203214201030 0.89 €
06220-4A216X30Ltraffic red RAL 30201/4-203214201030 0.89 €
06220-4A217X30Lcolza yellow RAL 10211/4-203214201030 0.89 €
06220-4A3X20Ljet black5/16-183214201020 0.84 €
06220-4A35X20Llight grey RAL 70355/16-183214201020 0.84 €
06220-4A36X20Ltraffic red RAL 30205/16-183214201020 0.84 €
06220-4A37X20Lcolza yellow RAL 10215/16-183214201020 0.84 €
06220-4A3X40Ljet black5/16-183214201040 0.92 €
06220-4A35X40Llight grey RAL 70355/16-183214201040 0.92 €
06220-4A36X40Ltraffic red RAL 30205/16-183214201040 0.92 €
06220-4A37X40Lcolza yellow RAL 10215/16-183214201040 0.92 €
06220-4A31X20Ljet black5/16-184018251320 1.32 €
06220-4A315X20Llight grey RAL 70355/16-184018251320 1.32 €
06220-4A316X20Ltraffic red RAL 30205/16-184018251320 1.32 €
06220-4A317X20Lcolza yellow RAL 10215/16-184018251320 1.32 €
06220-4A31X40Ljet black5/16-184018251340 1.44 €
06220-4A315X40Llight grey RAL 70355/16-184018251340 1.44 €
06220-4A316X40Ltraffic red RAL 30205/16-184018251340 1.44 €
06220-4A317X40Lcolza yellow RAL 10215/16-184018251340 1.44 €
06220-4A4X20Ljet black3/8-164018251320 1.32 €
06220-4A45X20Llight grey RAL 70353/8-164018251320 1.32 €
06220-4A46X20Ltraffic red RAL 30203/8-164018251320 1.32 €
06220-4A47X20Lcolza yellow RAL 10213/8-164018251320 1.32 €
06220-4A4X40Ljet black3/8-164018251340 1.44 €
06220-4A45X40Llight grey RAL 70353/8-164018251340 1.44 €
06220-4A46X40Ltraffic red RAL 30203/8-164018251340 1.44 €
06220-4A47X40Lcolza yellow RAL 10213/8-164018251340 1.44 €
06220-4A41X20Ljet black3/8-165022321720 2.14 €
06220-4A415X20Llight grey RAL 70353/8-165022321720 2.14 €
06220-4A416X20Ltraffic red RAL 30203/8-165022321720 2.14 €
06220-4A417X20Lcolza yellow RAL 10213/8-165022321720 2.14 €
06220-4A41X40Ljet black3/8-165022321740 2.39 €
06220-4A415X40Llight grey RAL 70353/8-165022321740 2.39 €
06220-4A416X40Ltraffic red RAL 30203/8-165022321740 2.39 €
06220-4A417X40Lcolza yellow RAL 10213/8-165022321740 2.39 €
06220-4A5X30Ljet black1/2-135022321730 2.20 €
06220-4A55X30Llight grey RAL 70351/2-135022321730 2.20 €
06220-4A56X30Ltraffic red RAL 30201/2-135022321730 2.20 €
06220-4A57X30Lcolza yellow RAL 10211/2-135022321730 2.20 €
06220-4A5X60Ljet black1/2-135022321760 2.73 €
06220-4A55X60Llight grey RAL 70351/2-135022321760 2.73 €
06220-4A56X60Ltraffic red RAL 30201/2-135022321760 2.73 €
06220-4A57X60Lcolza yellow RAL 10211/2-135022321760 2.73 €
06220-4A42X20Ljet black3/8-166326402120 3.14 €
06220-4A425X20Llight grey RAL 70353/8-166326402120 3.14 €
06220-4A426X20Ltraffic red RAL 30203/8-166326402120 3.14 €
06220-4A427X20Lcolza yellow RAL 10213/8-166326402120 3.14 €
06220-4A42X40Ljet black3/8-166326402140 3.47 €
06220-4A425X40Llight grey RAL 70353/8-166326402140 3.47 €
06220-4A426X40Ltraffic red RAL 30203/8-166326402140 3.47 €
06220-4A427X40Lcolza yellow RAL 10213/8-166326402140 3.47 €
06220-4A51X30Ljet black1/2-136326402130 3.19 €
06220-4A515X30Llight grey RAL 70351/2-136326402130 3.19 €
06220-4A516X30Ltraffic red RAL 30201/2-136326402130 3.19 €
06220-4A517X30Lcolza yellow RAL 10211/2-136326402130 3.19 €
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